Class Notes

By Anastasia Ortiz '11

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*Annual Alumni Association Member
**Lifetime Alumni Association Member

Faculty, Staff and Friends


Theodore Rath (’07) published a book on leadership called, Beyond Comfort. While at The University of Toledo, he was a linebacker for the Rockets and majored in physical education. He coached in the NFL for 16 years (Lions, Dolphins, Rams and Eagles) and is a two-time winner of NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year.

Shawn Tysiak (’00, ’99) published a book on leadership called, Personal Finance for College Students: A Storytelling Approach. It is designed with the needs of today’s college students in mind, addressing financial topics through the lens of a young couple’s evolving relationship and challenges.

The book features a variety of real-life scenarios and practical applications that encompass various aspects of personal finance including retirement planning, insurance considerations, and the impact of investment choices on future financial stability.  It includes 13 chapters, each providing a steppingstone to understanding the breadth and depth of personal finance.   Students are introduced to topics such as buying a car, managing home finances, navigating taxes, and investing principles that cultivate a millionaire’s mentality.

Alumni Accomplishments


Marivi Bryant (’03) an agency executive with more than 20 years of marketing experience has been named president of Goodbeast. Goodbeast is an experiential marketing agency with offices in Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.


Mark Yappueying (’16) designed the City of Toledo’s new city flag. Yappueying currently works at the Toledo Museum of Art. Mr. Yappueying’s flag will replace the former flag adopted in 1994. The flag before that was adopted in 1909.


Stephen Goldman (’65) was recognized for celebrating 25 years of work for the New Jersey Department of Education.