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*Annual Alumni Association Member
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Faculty, staff and friends

Dr. Caroline Brackette (’94, ’98, ’00 ME, ’07 PhD) was promoted to full professor of counseling at Mercer University in Atlanta, GA where she was awarded tenure in 2015. She has served as the team clinician for the Atlanta Falcons and serves on mental health registries for the National Basketball Players Association, National Football League and Players Association, and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee.

Edward Kurt (’76, ’79 JD) was recently elected to a four-year term on Maumee City Council. He had previously served as general counsel to St. Charles Hospital and the former Mercy Hospital.

Susan (Oakley) Ellis (’83) was selected as the Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association’s (KMCA) Clerk of the Year for 2024. This award follows the Northern Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association Outstanding Municipal Clerk Award for 2023. Susan is the City Clerk of Covington, Kentucky.
Dr. Carl Kramer (’80) received the National Eagle Scout Association’s Outstanding Eagle Scout Award for his professional and civic service achievements this past March. Kramer is the author of several published books and more than 200 other articles, book reviews and book chapters. He also serves or has served on the boards of more than 20 not-for-profit organizations and is currently the chair of the Jeffersonville (Indiana) Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Synita Gates (’16) was selected by the Collegiate Event and Facility Management Association (CEFMA) as the winner of its 2024 Event Manager of the Year Award. Currently serving as the program director of operations, facilities and event management at the University of Notre Dame, Gates has greatly improved operations and organization since starting in August 2022. Most notably, she played a key role in hosting major tournaments and successfully managed the 2023 Aer Lingus College Football Classic in Dublin, Ireland, which set a new world record for American attendees at an international sporting event.