Carlson Library Opens Rooms for Student Interviews, Family Resources

To better meet the needs of students and families on The University of Toledo’s campuses, University Libraries recently opened a trio of new spaces in the Carlson Library.
There is now a Family Resource Room and an Infant Care Room located on the second floor of the library, and a new Student Interview Room on the first floor.
“We are seeing increased numbers of students with children in the library, doing group work or research for class assignments,” said David Remaklus, director of operations at the library. “We want to offer a safe, private space with activities for the children so mom or dad can get their work done. In addition, we added an infant care space, where a parent can tend to the needs of their infant.”
The Family Resource Room is filled with things a student and a child might need to study or play, including a meeting table, workstation and whiteboard, as well as a couch, an art table with supplies, children’s books and a mini whiteboard with magnetic letters.
The Infant Care Room provides a private space for nursing or pumping with a comfortable chair, table and sink.
Changing tables also have been installed in both second-floor bathrooms.
A direct result from student and staff suggestions, the Student Interview Room is a private office with a workstation that provides a student with the privacy they need to conduct online interviews, whether for internships, graduate schools or jobs.
“We had seen students sitting out on the main floor trying to do interviews on Zoom or Skype,” Remaklus said. “Not only can that be disruptive for the other students in the space, but I can’t imagine having to do an interview with all of those distractions.”