Your Alma Mater / An Exciting Start To 2021!
The past several weeks have brought some exciting news to the start of this year. Here are just a few examples:
- We saw the second highest rate in four years of new memberships and renewals during the month of December. Thank you! Your support through membership allows us to continue providing scholarships to current UToledo students and to create opportunities to keep you connected to our alma mater and to each other. If you aren’t already a member, please consider joining your Alumni Association. We sincerely value your support!
- Thanks to a collaboration with the University of Toledo Federal Credit Union, our virtual book club officially launched on January 11, 2021. We saw 241 alumni and retirees sign up and begin participating. I am beyond thrilled at the level of engagement and look forward to connecting with alumni and friends through reading. If you would like to join in on the fun, please feel free to register by clicking here.
- As a kickoff to a yearlong celebration of the 100-Year Anniversary of our Alumni Association, Mrs. Barbara L. Floyd ’80, ’82, ’89, longtime University archivist and the former director of the Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, will host a virtual presentation entitled, Miracle on Bancroft Street: The Early History of The University of Toledo. We cannot celebrate our history as an association without celebrating the history of the institution we all hold dear. Mrs. Floyd will lead the virtual presentation on Thursday, Feb. 11 beginning at 7 p.m. EST. To register for what will assuredly be an exciting and information conversation, please click here.
We continue to be grateful for your support and engagement. Stay safe and stay well!
William L. Pierce ’99, ’09
Associate Vice President of Alumni Engagement
Executive Director and Lifetime Member of The University of Toledo Alumni Association